
CORS HandlePreflight not generating any headers

mar1n3r0 opened this issue · 1 comments

Stumbled upon this one:

router.HandleFunc("/profile/tweets", ProfileTweets).Methods("GET","OPTIONS")

c := cors.New(cors.Options{
    AllowedMethods: []string{"GET","POST", "OPTIONS"},
    AllowedOrigins: []string{"*"},
    AllowCredentials: true,
    AllowedHeaders: []string{"Content-Type","Bearer","Bearer ","content-type","Origin","Accept"},
    OptionsPassthrough: true,

Tried to replicate the solution with gorouter:

	// Public User routes
	router.POST("/v1/dispatch/{command}", commandDispatchHandler)
	// Handle preflight
	router.OPTIONS("/v1/dispatch/{command}", commandDispatchHandler)

Is there an option we can actually assign 2 methods to a single route at the same time ?

Fixed, the solution was to add this to the handler and keep both POST and OPTIONS for the same route.

    // Stop here if its Preflighted OPTIONS request
    if r.Method == "OPTIONS" {