External gRPC client - subscribe to events
mar1n3r0 opened this issue · 1 comments
mar1n3r0 commented
Is it possible that we can connect an external gRPC client and subscribe it to event types the same way internal event handlers are subscribed via the eventbus ?
I saw the example with authClient being called from user event handler but this is injected and used from the service container.
if _, err := authClient.DispatchTokenCommand(identity.ContextWithIdentity(ctx, &i), &proto.DispatchAuthCommandRequest{
Name: createTokenCommandName,
Payload: nil,
}); err != nil {
return apperrors.Wrap(err)
if err := container.EventBus.Subscribe(ctx, user.AccessTokenWasRequestedType, eventhandler.WhenUserAccessTokenWasRequested(cfg, jwt.SigningMethodHS512, container.Authenticator, container.UserPersistenceRepository, container.AuthClient)); err != nil {
return apperrors.Wrap(err)
Can we connect to external client in place where container.AuthClient is ?
mar1n3r0 commented
Got it, it can be injected in the service container.