
Versions and branches (varnish-6.4.0)

Closed this issue · 9 comments

There is no git branch for varnish-6.4.0. Master branch builds on varnish-6.4.0.

Also, for distribution downstream (fedora/epel for me), please consider bumping the release number and/or figure out how versions are thought to work with the current branching. "What is the current version of varnish-modules" is quite difficult to answer. Here are some variants that may appear unless you figure out a uniform scheme:



as discussed on IRC:

let me know if that works for you, and I can definitely tag it

so, do you want a 6.4.1, or should we use the 6.4.0 version as it hasn't been tagged?

The 6.4 branch builds fine against varnish-6.4.0 in fedora. For me, just keeping a single branch 6.4 for varnish-6.4.x works fine, and then tag releases for each version of varnish that is released. For example, varnish-modules-0.16.0 for varnish-6.4.0, varnish-modules-0.16.1 for a future varnish-6.4.1, and so on.

I'm sorry, my question was more: we'll need a new version soon (just got some fixes), so should it be 6.4.1, or 6.4.0?

A new version of varnish, or a new version of varnish-modules?

For varnish-modules, either continue the current scheme and call it varnish-modules-0.16.0, or name it after the varnish release it should be built for; varnish-modules-6.4.0. The problem with the latter is what you should call it if you have to make a new version of varnish-modules for the same version of varnish. varnish-modules- starts sounding silly :-)


A new version of varnish, or a new version of varnish-modules?

PROTIP: don't send comment at 2am.... I meant varnish-modules, so 0.16.0 (the is ready, but the commit was never tagged), or 0.16.1 (if you already "used" the 0.16.0 number)

You still confuse me. 0.16.0 or 1.16.0? :-D

I haven't "used" anything yet. I test-packaged a "0.16.0 prerelease" based on a git checkout from the 6.4 branch. 0.16.0 is fine by me.

pheeew, Imma stop trying to type, and just go with 0.16.0. We can then bury this ticket and forget how dumb I'm being :-)

I'll ping you once I've backported the fixes and tagged the release

varnish-modules-0.16.0 has been tagged (0.16.0 too), so I'll close this, yell if something is off.