
How to get it working in ec2?

123-rj opened this issue · 2 comments

123-rj commented

I am beginner in this AI world, trying to get this UI running in ec2 instance but having some difficulties getting it to work. I have managed to launch the UI using sh and get the UI loading in port 3000. However, I cannot get anything else working other than loading the UI. Here is the error shot from the inspect element, it seems to point something at port 8000. How do I get this working in ec2?


123-rj commented

FYI, manage to solve this after tinkering with the codes for a good while. Change all the 127.xx.xx.xx:8000 to ec2-public-ip:8000. There are about 3 or 4 scripts that require these editing. Also change the allow_origins=origins to allow_origins=["*"] at the Finally, when running the server, need to specify the --host and --port values.

Thank you for sharing these steps!