
Types do not correspond with API for d3Force?

magnusart opened this issue · 1 comments

I've seen in issues that I should be able to use the following code myGraph.d3Force('link').distance(link => /* your logic */).

However when using typescript the type signature ForceFn does not contain distance.
Also the d3-force-3d project is not typed as far as I could see, so I can't use that as a base without adding my own types.

The return type is ForceFn | undefined which is an interface that looks like this:

interface ForceFn {
  (alpha: number): void;
  initialize?: (nodes: NodeObject[]) => void;
  [key: string]: any;

What is the recommended way do this in Typescript?

I managed to hack around it with

  const l = instance.d3Force('link')! as ForceFn2 & { distance: (link: LinkObject) => number }
  l.distance(() => 50)

But that is very ugly. I had to redefine ForceFn as that was not exported. Any input welcome!