
About onLinkClick() or other relevant methods

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Dear Sir,

I am editing the links' feature.

For d3/dagre directed force graph, there is the setEdge() method, that could insert html tag that is dynamic in nature with links' data. When "onclick" on link, a modal table with dynamic data base on links' data could be displayed.

Sample is as below:
g.setEdge(source, target, {
labelType: "html",
label: ''+source...type+''

May I know is the similar feature for this library? I am trying to use onLinkClick() but it seems that it could not achieve the similar outcome.

Best Regards,

@cmchow07 it seems like using onLinkClick should give you the event trigger you need to do this. Is onLinkClick not firing for you?

I have figured out another work-around. Thank you for your reply.