A Simple Restful API for Fake Dummy Data Built using Express and Nodejs.
Made using faker.js and casual.
Here is the Endpoint for the API https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/
(Base route has no data Associated with it)
- address. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/address
- commerce. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/commerce
- date. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/date
- helpers. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/helpers
- image. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/image
- internet. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/internet
- lorem. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/lorem
- number. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/number
- payments. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/payments
- person. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/person
- system. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/system
- misc. https://u14ihm6uhc.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/production/misc
Following are the Different End points Associated with the API:
- address
- city.
- cityPrefix.
- citySuffix.
- streetName.
- streetAddress.
- streetSuffix.
- streetPrefix.
- secondaryAddress.
- county.
- country.
- countryCode.
- state.
- stateAbbr.
- latitude.
- longitude.
- building_number.
- commerce
- department.
- productName.
- price.
- productAdjective.
- productMaterial.
- product.
- suffixes.
- companyName.
- companySuffix.
- catchPhrase.
- bs.
- catchPhraseAdjective.
- catchPhraseDescriptor.
- catchPhraseNoun.
- bsAdjective.
- bsBuzz.
- bsNoun.
- column.
- type.
- collation.
- engine.
- date
- unix_time .
- moment.
- date.
- time.
- century.
- am_pm.
- day_of_month.
- day_of_year.
- month_number.
- month_name.
- year.
- timezone.
- helpers
- randomize.
- shuffle.
- replaceSymbolWithNumber.
- replaceSymbols.
- mustache.
- createCard.
- contextualCard.
- userCard.
- createTransaction.
- image
- image.
- avatar.
- imageUrl .
- abstract.
- animals.
- business.
- cats.
- city.
- food.
- nightlife.
- fashion.
- people.
- nature.
- sports.
- technics.
- transport.
- dataUri.
- internet
- avatar.
- email.
- exampleEmail.
- userName.
- protocol.
- url.
- domainName.
- domainSuffix.
- domainWord.
- ip.
- ipv6.
- userAgent.
- mac.
- password.
- lorem
- word.
- words.
- sentence.
- slug.
- sentences.
- paragraph.
- paragraphs.
- text.
- lines.
- title.
- system
- fileExt.
- commonFileExt.
- commonFileName.
- commonFileType.
- fileName.
- filePath.
- filetype.
- mimeType.
- semver.
- directoryPath.
- number
- random.
- integer.
- double.
- array_of_digits.
- array_of_integers.
- array_of_doubles.
- coin_flip.
- payments
- account.
- accountName.
- mask.
- amount.
- transactionType.
- currencyCode.
- currencyName.
- currencySymbol.
- bitcionAddress.
- bic.
- iban.
- card_type.
- card_number.
- card_exp.
- card_data.
- person
- name.
- title.
- username.
- first_name.
- last_name.
- full_name.
- phoneFormats.
- phoneNumber.
- phoneNumberFormat.
- password.
- name_prefix.
- name_suffix.
- company_name.
- company_suffix.
- catch_phrase.
- jobArea. _ jobtype.
- misc
- country_code.
- language_code.
- locale.
- currency.
- currency_code.
- currency_symbol
- currency_name.
- mime_type.
- boolean.
- uuid.
- number.
- alphaNumeric.
- objectElement.
- words.
- image.
- arrayElement.
- abbreviation.
- adjective.
- noun.
- verb.
- ingverb.
- phrase.
- color_name.
- safe_color_name.
- rgb_hex.
- rgb_array.
FakeData-API is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.