
Easy to use CoreNFC for React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status npm version

React Native NFC for iOS

⚠️ Apple CoreNFC is only available for iOS11 on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus devices. It does not seems to be available on simulator at the moment, but it should be available later.

⚠️ iOS11 is currently available as beta 9, you should use Xcode 9 beta 6 to build your project. This project is updated and tested frequetly against new beta releases.



How to use


Install the module

npm install --save react-native-nfc-ios

Link the native module to your project

react-native link react-native-nfc-ios

Prepare your Xcode project

Add the NFC capability key to your .entitlements file


Add the NFCReaderUsageDescription key to your project's Info.plist

<string>Ready to use NFC 🚀</string>

Lean about NDEF Messages Structure (NFC Data Exchange Format)

As CoreNFC, the API will return arrays of messages, each message containing an array of records.

    "records": [
        "type": "VQ==", // base64 encoded for 55, URI record
        "payload": "UmVhY3QgTmF0aXZlIE5GQyBpT1M=", // base64 encoded for "React Native NFC iOS"
        "identifier": null,  // No identifier in the tag
        "typeNameFormat": "WELL_KNOWN_RECORD",

Every record will have a Base64 encoded type, payload and identifier.

The typeFormatName will be one of the following constant :


You can import those constants form the module.

import { EMPTY_RECORD } from 'react-native-nfc-ios';


Promise API - One tag at a time

import base64 from 'base-64';
import { NFCNDEFReaderSession } from 'react-native-nfc-ios';

const messages = await NFCNDEFReaderSession.readTag();
const payloadB64 = messages[0].records[0].payload;
const payload = base64.decode(payloadB64);

// "React Native NFC iOS"

CoreNFC binding API - Aka Event API

This API is designed to stay as close as possible to CoreNFC.

import { NFCNDEFReaderSession } from 'react-native-nfc-ios';

const readerSession = new NFCNDEFReaderSession();
const listener = readerSession.addEventListener('NDEFMessages', (messages) => {

// Show the NFC reader

// Close the NFC reader

// Remove the event listener
readerSession.removeEventListener('NDEFMessages', listener);

// Or Remove all events listeners

// ⚠️ Release the native instance to free memory

Set the Alert Message

As with the native CoreNFC API you can set the alert message

// With the Simple API
const messages = await NFCNDEFReaderSession.readTag({
  alertMessage: 'Please put your NFC Tag',

// As you instantiate a new NFCNDEFReaderSession
const readerSession = new NFCNDEFReaderSession({
  alertMessage: 'Please put your NFC Tag',

// Change reader session alert message
readerSession.setAlertMessage('New alert message');