
mysql5.7 Apple Silicon Support

Closed this issue · 1 comments

branch: mysql5.7 fails to start on Apple silicon as the image doesn't support arm architecture.

[+] Running 0/2
 ⠇ mysql_slave Pulling                                                                                                                               4.8s
 ⠿ mysql_master Error                                                                                                                                4.8s
no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries

The following platform: linux/x86_64 has to be added for both master and slave in order to pull the correct image for Apple silicon

    image: mysql:5.7
    platform: linux/x86_64

reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65456814/docker-apple-silicon-m1-preview-mysql-no-matching-manifest-for-linux-arm64-v8

Also export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 should help to enforce "linux/amd64" on Apple M1 chip.