
Malfunctioning when entering Korean characters into an input component with required true.

qudansdl opened this issue · 2 comments

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  • Read the docs.
  • Make sure the code is up to date. (Some bugs have been fixed in the latest code)
  • This is a concrete bug. For Q&A open a GitHub Discussion or join our Discord Chat Server.

Describe the bug

When I type '베이징', the letter '이' disappears after I type it, but reappears when I type the next letter.
It happen when Required is true. It work well when required is false.


Not work well.

      field: 'field1',
      component: 'Input',
      label: 'Required == true',
      colProps: { span: 24 },
      rules: [{ required: true }],
      componentProps: {
        placeholder: 'placeholder',
        onChange: (e: any) => {
          requiredValue.value = e.target.value;

Work well.

      field: 'field1_2',
      component: 'Input',
      label: 'Required == false',
      colProps: { span: 24 },
      componentProps: {
        placeholder: 'placeholder',
        onChange: (e: any) => {
          notRequiredValue.value = e.target.value;

System Info

  • Operating System: windows 11
  • Node version: 20.11.0
  • Package manager (npm/yarn/pnpm) and version: pnpm 8.15.2

I think it is happening due to ant design vue.

<Input :lazy='false'> option solved this issue