Dark Crystal
dav76df opened this issue · 10 comments
Hello, can you add the script for the table Dark Crystal 1.2 of JP'Salas
That's WPilots table
But here, there is already a table script, though the tables font image files are not the best for it
Little hard to read
Thanks @wiesshund : I have used your script, modified it a bit (size of the dots), improved FlexDMD to have a better rendering, and publish all of that in the 1.6.0 release.
Merci pour la modif de Dark Cristal, sur un DMD LCD le rendu est meilleur. La modif du script dark crystal est aussi possible sur le script de Ghosbuster ?
The script for JP's Ghostbuster is already available in GitHub and in the zip with each release. Just drop it with the table and everything should be fine.
You could just edit them in the script to be the same as dark crystal
The script has to be adapted to the table; FlexDMD rebuilt a dot image from the image provided inside the table. I have tried different sizes for Ghostbuster and the size 2 seems the better I can get. To get a better DMD, this would need to redraw the images in the table.
You can try as well if you want; just edit the script and look for dmd2=2 or dmd=2 and replace by dmd2=3 and dmd=3
JP is going to redo some of his tables after Xmas and redo the DMD content to be a more standard resolution
he made them with just a tiny desktop DMD in mind originally.
(Slimer Diablo Zelda etc)
So i would not worry so much about the scripts and DOT size at this point.