
Color Rendering in PinballY Script

apophis79 opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm interested in rendering the PinballY DMD object in a different color (white) ... not the standard orange. I tried including the following lines of code in my main.js file, but when I did the DMD did not render at all.:

	if (dmd == null) {
		dmd = createAutomationObject("FlexDMD.FlexDMD");
		dmd.GameName = "";
                dmd.Color = RGB(255,255,255);   //<--- new code
                dmd.RenderMode = 0;             //<--- new code
                dmd.Width = 128;
		dmd.Height = 32;
		dmd.Show = true;
		dmd.Run = true;
		udmd = dmd.NewUltraDMD();

What am I doing wrong?
Thank you,

The line dmd.Color = RGB(255,255,255); is unlikely to work since afaik there is no RGB method in javascript that would create an rgb object. I do not know how to create a color in javascript, so I do not have anysolution to propose.