
Newest 1.9.1 give some strange errrors, hanging vpx when closing, screen hanging

Opened this issue · 4 comments

With the newest version some tables (like rollergames, KISS) hangs when closing but also (with rollergames) some flashing lights stays on. Also the dmd show numbers that aren't suppose to be there

im sorry, i used an older version of dmdext. Its now working

To fast. i still get the issues with the newest versions of dmdext, flexdmd and vpx

i just find out that it is de latest version (candidate 2) of vpx 10.8 that gives the errors. Candidate 1 version of vpx works fine with flexdmd. I've made an issue there

No i find out it's not vpx. Still the same problems. I don't know if its dmdext, flexdmd or vpx but stil the same problems.