
Cannot right click

SharksMouth opened this issue · 1 comments

I installed latest FlexDMD and it seems to be working. In VPX It only appears on the top right corner of my playfield, I can resize it and drag it but can't right click to save or rather when I do nothing appears to happen. All of my UltraDMD's have been relocated off the second screen to the top right corner of the playfield screen and it is the same I can't pull up the menu to save by right clicking. If I run UltraDMD on it's own outside of vpx the screen appears where I originally had it on the second screen and I can also right click to pull up the menu and save. If I unregister in the FlexDMDUI menu and try to run a table with UltraDMD it does not revert, instead I get a message about not being able to detect UltraDMD. Also if I select the UltraDMD Designer tab it closes out FlexDMDUI and nothing else happens. What am I missing?

Issue Solved... i did not know there was a freezy 1.8!