
Colors are brighter than iTerm equivalent?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

ksrb commented

This is a question, I was trying out the base16-eighties theme and it seems to be a touch brighter than the iTerm equivalent, any ideas? I could just manually adjust the colors be a little darker but yeah...

iTerm left - Terminal right
screen shot 2017-09-21 at 12 41 30 pm

The numeric colors values are identical so I'm at a loss.

vbwx commented

I've done some color comparison between different apps just now (top left: MacVim, right: Terminal, bottom left: VSCode, right: Sublime Text), and, aside from the background green in MacVim, the colors look identical.
screen shot 2017-09-22 at 14 44 07

Are you using the latest version of iTerm? Because after downloading iTerm2, Digital Color Meter confirmed that the colors were the same (iTerm in the front, Terminal in the back) The background colors in this screenshot might look brighter in iTerm, but that's an optical illusion due to the different text rendering.
screen shot 2017-09-22 at 15 38 33

Interestingly, I've found reports from users saying the opposite about iTerm: That the Terminal colors appeared darker. Issue #257 on GitHub

Until I can reproduce this, it seems to be an iTerm bug.

vbwx commented

Also, could you check the Terminfo setting in the settings of your profile? This might have something to do with it.
screen shot 2017-09-22 at 16 07 16

ksrb commented

Hmm but those are screenshots of vim.

What happens when you run something like:

for i in {0..255} ; do
    printf "\x1b[48;5;%sm%3d\e[0m " "$i" "$i"
    if (( i == 15 )) || (( i > 15 )) && (( (i-15) % 6 == 0 )); then
        printf "\n";

From: https://askubuntu.com/a/821163


echo $TERM
ksrb commented

My bad figured it out I was accidentally using the base16 profile from https://github.com/korzhyk/base16-terminal-app.

Thanks for the help though :).