
Animation of image files for anomalous classes

vc1492a opened this issue · 4 comments

It can be difficult to convey what an anomaly looks like in the data with a static image. We could create a GIF (animation) that shows a transition from normal data to anomalous to better explain what the model is doing.

@vc1492a I got a simple gif of the ahup__G07 class. Pasting it below for your reference. There seems to be large gaps in the images so you can see the jump but at least we can see the progression. I might need to choose a better satellite-ground station combination that has a more continuous stream of images

Nice work! I've added a similar one on the feature/refactor branch in the images directory called anom.gif. It's added to, but we won't see those changes work and be reflected until we merge the collective changes into main. We'll keep this issue open but change the tag to note that it just needs review later.

@hamlinliu17 could you please commit the animations you generated for the upcoming conference presentation to the repository and close this issue? Thanks! Please name the anomalous file anom.gif, replacing the existing file in images.

Done. norm.gif is a normal day