
LINQPad Queries without LINQPad

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0



LINQPadless compiles LINQPad query files into stand-alone C# scripts (csx) or executable binaries so that they can be run outside and independent of LINQPad.

The compiler emits a C# script file or an executable in the same directory and with the same file name as the source query except it bears either the .csx or the .exe extension. It also creates a Windows batch file alongside that does the following:

  • Checks that referenced NuGet packages are installed.
  • Installs missing NuGet packages.
  • Sets LINQPADLESS environment variable to the compiler version.
  • Depending on the target output, it either invokes the C# script using csi.exe or the executable and passes any remaining arguments.

Usage Examples

Compile a single LINQPad query file in the current directory:

lpless Foobar.linq

Compile all LINQPad query files:

lpless *.linq

Compile all LINQPad query files in a specific directory:

lpless C:\LINQPad\Queries\*.linq

Compile all LINQPad query files in a specific directory and sub-directories within:

lpless -r C:\LINQPad\Queries\*.linq

Compile all LINQPad query files starting with Foo:

lpless -r C:\LINQPad\Queries\Foo*.linq

Compile (incremental) outdated files only:

lpless -i C:\LINQPad\Queries\Foo*.linq

Watch particular files in a directory and re-compile outdated ones on changes:

lpless -w C:\LINQPad\Queries\Foo*.linq

Compile Foo.linq using the FakeLinqPad package and importing the FakeLinqPad namespace (both in addition to packages and namespaces referenced in Foo.linq):

lpless --ref FakeLinqPad --imp FakeLinqPad Foo.linq

Compile an executable:

lpless --target exe Foo.linq

For more information, see help:

lpless -h


Why does LINQPadless exist?

LINQPad is an excellent alternative to Visual Studio when you want to script some code but don't want all the ceremony of a Visual Studio solution or project. You can use NuGet packages, get the same experience as IntelliSense, even debug through your code and all the while maintaining a single source file. What's there not to love about it? However, when you want to ship that code to someone or automate it, you are tied to LINQPad when that dependency is not necessary. That's where lpless comes in. It turns your LINQ Query file into a C# script or an executabe that you can then run without LINQPad.

What's different from lprun?

lprun is a good solution when you need 100% compatibility and parity with LINQPad features at run-time. On the other hand, when all you are doing is using LINQPad as a lightweight IDE to script some task that doesn't need its bells and whistles then turning those queries into C# scripts or executables enables them be shipped and run without LINQPad.


LINQPad Query files must be either C# Statements, Expression or Program. In the case of a C# Program query, a Main declared to be asynchronous must return Task.

Extension methods are not supported at the moment.

LINQPad-specified methods like Dump and those on its Util class will cause compilation errors when the compiled C# script is executed. This issue can be addressed by using a faking/emulation library of sorts, like FakeLinqPad.

When generating an executable, referenced assemblies (whether from NuGet packages or otherwise) must be placed in the same directory or sub-directories below.