
strange result of simulation

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Thanks for your great work, I found that the project use some old version of dependencies, that I can't compile succed on my machine:

OS : Ubuntu 20.04
g++ : 10.3.0
Driver Version: 510.108.03
CUDA Version: 11.6
GPU: RTX 3060 ti

after I check the error information of compile, I add these options and compile succed.

set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "-std=c++14 -extended-lambda")
set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release")

target_link_libraries(ViperLib_static ${COMMON_LIBS} CGAL::CGAL CGAL::CGAL_Core Boost::thread gmp mpfr)

I also add header files.

// Viper/CudaUtils.cuh
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>

But when I run the ./demo at build folder, the simulated result looks like strange(as picture shows), It seems the octoswarm doesn't has the length constraint at two nodes, how could I solve this queation? I also tryd the nvidia-docker to compile the code , but my GPU is RTX 3060 ti, it only support CUDA 11.X, would you please provide a new version of code that runs well on RTX GPU cards or other advices to fixed this problem? thank you!

Screenshot from 2023-04-10 21-01-00