
Types in main.d.ts are incorrect

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Currently the exported types from main.d.ts are the following:

export {};

if you change main.ts to be:

export { Client, IClientOptions } from "./client/Client";
export { Inbox } from "./lib/Inbox";

the types exported from main.d.ts become:

export { Client, IClientOptions } from "./client/Client";
export { Inbox } from "./lib/Inbox";

the compiled output has some slight differences but functionally the code is the same:

// current output
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const Client_1 = require("./client/Client");
const Inbox_1 = require("./lib/Inbox");
exports.Client = Client_1.Client;
exports.Inbox = Inbox_1.Inbox;

// output after changes
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Client_1 = require("./client/Client");
exports.Client = Client_1.Client;
var Inbox_1 = require("./lib/Inbox");
exports.Inbox = Inbox_1.Inbox;