
Bent knees of reconstructed model

farazBhatti opened this issue · 5 comments

Reconstructed 3d model has bent knees, although person in image is standing straight.Any ideas?
Meshlab is used for visualization of model

Screenshot from 2020-12-14 13-58-27

I have the same problem, although, in a similar solution called HMR which used to make a mesh from SMPL, I multiplied the poses with keypoints detected from openpose that made it straight.

@farazBhatti Were you able to straighten the mesh?

i didn't tried the solution you gave. if you have applied it should work for me as well. At the moment i am trying to figure out which one these model would best suit for fat person. Thats why i closed it

do you solve the problem?

@akchain No, I haven't yet. I would like to know the solution if you find one.