
Cannot set Unix linefeed as separator

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I'd like my tables to always use Unix linefeeds as line separators independently from the platform the code is running.

Observed behavior
So I did:

  • It does compile and run
  • It does not set the separator to \n though
  • The reason seems to be that de.vandermeer.asciitable.new AT_Renderer() {...}.setLineSeparator(String) as well as de.vandermeer.asciitable.AT_Context.setLineSeparator(String) are checking the provided separator. If it is considered blank, it is ignored. However, the used utility method org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank(CharSequence) internally uses java.lang.Character.isWhitespace(char) which considers a \n to be a whitepsace. Long story short: A linefeed (along with other special chars, see JavaDoc of java.lang.Character.isWhitespace(char)) cannot be set as separator.

Why is this "bad"?
Well I cannot configure my own kind of special separator chars. This means it will use \r\n on Windows and \n on Windows which makes unit testing the results brittle. Also: I'd like consistent output on every platform. Windows can also work with linefeeds, no need to force \r\n

Expected behavior

  • Take any char as long as it is no space (or multiple spaces)
  • OR: Why is there a constraint on the separator char anyway. Taking any char as long as it is not null is fine for me.

As a workaround we are currently using our own AT_Renderer instance that does not use this kind of isBlank check:

      AT_Renderer r = new AT_Renderer() {
            private String separator = "\n";
            private AT_ColumnWidthCalculator cwc = new CWC_FixedWidth().add(40).add(10).add(60);

            public String getLineSeparator() {
                return this.separator;

            public AT_Renderer setLineSeparator(String separator) {
                this.separator = separator;
                return this;

            public AT_ColumnWidthCalculator getCWC() {
                return this.cwc;

            public AT_Renderer setCWC(AT_ColumnWidthCalculator cwc) {
                this.cwc = cwc;
                return this;