
[Question]: KVM

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Is your question not already answered in the FAQ?

  • I made sure the question is not listed in the FAQ.

Is this a general question and not a technical issue?

  • I am sure my question is not about a technical issue.


before anything, great work on the project, really appreciate the initiative

I'm wondering if you have a offical guide on how to run this on a Docker LXC on proxmox...
I'm trying to run it, but as KVM is not on a lxc kernel level (priv or unpriv), it wount find the path to kvm libraries

If it ending up in not being possible to run on a LXC, would it be possible to run on a full vm with kvm support on proxmox?

sorry if the questions kinda dumb, but didn't find any info regarding these

keep up with the great work!!

for those who didn;t founded, here's the official link for the official bash script.