
Thor ignores --data-dir

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

Please notice that this is an issue tracker reserved for bug reports and feature requests.

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OS Version:


Commit hash : (if develop)

Thor version 2.0.0--dev

Expected behavior

While running
thor --network main --data-dir /var/blockchain
I expect the directory "/var/blockchain" should be used. However thor tries to work in other directory not mentioned in documentation (see below).

Actual behavior

create config dir [/home/blockchain/.org.vechain.thor]: mkdir /home/blockchain: permission denied

Steps to reproduce the behavior

runuser -u blockchain -- thor --network main --data-dir /var/blockchain

There is another directory you need to configure, --config-dir. You can set it to the same directory via --config-dir /var/blockchain

I think this was not mentoined in documentation and it's worth it ;-)
Otherwise this issue can be closed.