
You have no permission to use the command transferserver

Pinkglitter2216 opened this issue · 18 comments

You have no permission to use the command transferserver

Unfortunately I have a problem with the command transfer server. I gave the command transferserver to the slappers. The command only works once after restarting the server. Then the error message appears: You don't have the permission to use transferserver. The permission is entered correctly for the players: pocketmine.command.transferserver The transfer always works for op players, for normal players only once and then no longer. Can you help me?

Ju999 commented

I had this problem too. Can players use the Command /transferserver normally? (Is it only appearing if you are trying to execute the command with slappers)

Thanks for the tip, I just tested it. The whole command doesn't work, not only for the slappers. What do you think the error could be?

Ju999 commented

Are you using WaterdogPE?

No, we dont work with waterdog.

Ju999 commented

Did you read the message?

Yes, Thanks for the info, I'm testing this right now xD

Ju999 commented


So i tested it, but it works also only with op...

Ju999 commented

You need to give the permission transferme.cmd

Yes of course I did: - transferme.cmd

Ju999 commented

Restart server or do /ppreload

Yes i know xD

But it dont works

Ju999 commented

It worked for me i removed op from myself and set the group default and it worked..

Thanks for the tip, I just tested it. The whole command doesn't work, not only for the slappers. What do you think the error could be?

That means this isn't a problem with Slapper

I think this is not Slapper plugin problem but PurePerms plugin problem.
Try updating your PurePerms to the latest version to get the fix