Restructure UX of search results and citations, optimizing for consistency
cjcenizal opened this issue · 2 comments
Sometimes a summary will cite some but not all search results. For example, it might cite search results 2, 3, and 5 but not 1 or 4. In these cases, listing those search results is a confusing UX.
We should address this by restructuring the UX to optimize for consistency between the citations and the results shown. For example, the end result could look like this:
- Hide all results until the summary is returned
- Reduce the search results to only those cited by the summary
- Normalize the search results and the citations according to the reduced list. For example, if only 2, 3, and 5 are used, then re-label those as 1, 2, and 3 and update the summary citations to use the new labels.
CC @ofermend
If you go with [3], you can even take it a step further and normalize it so that the first citation is always [1], the second is [2], etc. Then it corresponds exactly with how citations are traditionally handled in books and reports, smoothing the user experience further.
Brainstorming below:
Above the fold, all cited results should be shown. Below the fold (a horizontal divider, for example), the remaining search results should be shown, perhaps with a label ("These might also be relevant").