
File Upload API Definition missing information about how the document id is set

Closed this issue · 5 comments


The file upload API documentation doesn't provide any guidance on how to set the document id in our system. This is a serious omission given the centrality of the id.

The id is taken from the Content-Disposition header. The value corresponding to the filename key is extracted.


Context: Engineers at were confused and couldn't find guidance in our docs.

@eskibars lmk if you want me know if/how you want me to set the Assignee field.

Feedback from the customer:

Great. If the filename was being passed in the upload file example in the documentation, it would have helped. I'm talking about this page for example.

@pwoznic watches this repo. He'll self-assign or assign to someone else if he needs

Here's the standard docs for Content-Disposition for anyone who wants to learn more:

Amin provided great context on the missing info and use case and I am reaching out to the team where help is needed