
Add gitflow <type> puiblish

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Part of gitflow is push command, labeled as "publish".

It would be consistent if this plugin support it.

Hey @mlukaszewski you already have a git publish branch action as part of the native git support in VSCode.
Anything missing?

I think this should be part of git flow. Otherwise, it makes people feel confused.
gitflow-avh also has this command, see: gitflow-avh

+1 I was also looking for the "Publish Feature" command.

If your argument is "the built-in git already supports publishing a branch" then I say the built-in git also supports creating new branches called feature/XYZ or typing git flow init in the terminal, thus we wouldn't need your plugin at all.

besides having your branch pushed to the remote/the native git flow publish command, do you expect other behaviors? Like checks? Other actions?

just a push would be enough for the way I'd use it.