
position right-bottom doesn't work

Closed this issue · 4 comments

When I set the option position:right-bottom it renders as open on the page with feedback button on top right. No way to close it.

Provide a test case link to a working example, because its works for me and other too (you can take a look at the link that someone posted on this issue with that exact position that you say not working) #20
also if you will go to the showcase and replace the class of the feedback trigger and content from left-bottom to right-bottom it will work, - is an example of my code not working. fm_options = {
bootstrap: true,
position: "right-bottom",
name_placeholder: "Name please",
name_required: true,
message_placeholder: "Go ahead, type your feedback here...",
feedback_url: "send_feedback_bootstrap",
custom_params: {
csrf: "my_secret_token",
user_id: "john_doe",
feedback_type: "bootstarp"

            //init feedback_me plugin

Yep , its a bug in my css file (related to bootstrap option only)

thanks for the quick fix :) works as expected now