
Is it possible to open iframe as feedback tab?

javajack opened this issue · 10 comments

I want to keep the feedback UI and controls in my control. Is it possible for you to create an example which opens an iframe when a feedback tab is clicked ?

This would be a massive win for this plugin as it would allow any kind of form and validation as part of feedback UI, it could be used for any other purposes as well !

Wouldn't it be better to add new feature for providing id of element (div for example) to which the feedback will be appended instead of being appended to body (like its being done now) ?

Nopes, you dint get my intention. I want to open feedback tab but the tab opens something which is not a DIV but an iframe with given url, now once we have that type o setup we could show any type of form controls or feedback wizard etc..

See the feedback tab here,

It's an iframe..

so basically you want the plugin to provide the feedback trigger that will slide in the widget which will contain an iframe inside it , an iframe which will target some other content (the content will be provided by the user) ? You want the feedback plugin to host inside itself some iframe ?

Yes you got it now :) That way we could better control the feedback form content with much more complex validations ! Feasible ? Challenging ? !!

Yes you are right and that widget should be iframe based. ;)

Planning to target this feature ?

Yep , target set, 0.4.0 version, release date? how about now? check it out , updated docs/showcase/everything ,

You are a JavaScript super hero ! Big Salute !

I noticed one thing upon submitting the iframe embedded form, feedback tab gets closed automatically which leaves no room for form submit success/error response.

feedback_me tab should not get closed upon form submit, it serves the purpose but leaves bad UX !

When should tab closing happen then ?? !!
May be user could close it manually after form submit or when user clicks on other part of the page , tab gets closed on it's own..!


One more thing, currently the iframe URL doesn't get reloaded when we reopen a feedback_me tab which gets closed after form is submitted. It shows the old content. Is it feasible to freshly reload the iframe URL upon every new open event of feedback_me tab ?

You are welcome,

Its up to you to decide about when to close the widget, in the specific example on the showcase I decided to close it upon clicking the "send it right away" button, I could choose not to close it, and instead show some other screen with "Thank you" for example, view the source of the file and take a look at the externalJsFunc function, the las line is the ";" , you can for example do some other operation instaed of closing the widget... Remember its your own custom html page, your submit button... you can decide on anything that goes inside it, All I provide you with it the ability to use the ";" in order to close the widget,
About the state of the iframe after submit, again since its your page you can clean it after submit, for example $("#someField").val(""); (set the field with empty value)...

Hope it helps.