
Configure globally

Closed this issue · 7 comments

It would be good if we could set global defaults for the configuration, particularly for language

$.fn.yadcf.defaults = {}

I think it would just be a simple case of adding $.extend({}, $.fn.yadcf.defaults, params) here

Do you mean like this (it's from the yadcf js file docs)?

* Global Parameters (per table rather than per column)
* Usage example yadcf.init(oTable,[{column_number : 0}, {column_number: 3}],{cumulative_filtering: true});

The third argument is being applied to all columns

No, I mean global for every table. #287 requires you to set lang on every table you want to change the language? I just want to set a languages definition once and it apply to every yadcf instance.

@vedmack will you accept a PR for this? and when is the next release expected?

I need a single place to set languages rather than

// template1.html
oTable.yadcf([/* unique column definition */], {
  language = {'select': 'Select value'}
// template2.html
oTable.yadcf([/* unique column defintion */], {
  language = {'select': 'Select value'}

Sure, a PR is always welcomed

thanks! I will try to merge it when I'll find some spare time

@vedmack sorry to ping but any chance of seeing this merged and released?