
What are the differences compated to gitea/act_runner?

bserem opened this issue · 2 comments

bserem commented

Forgive my ignorance here, but I understand that can also run in docker using the gitea/act_runner image:

docker run -e GITEA_INSTANCE_URL= -e GITEA_RUNNER_REGISTRATION_TOKEN=<your_token> -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name my_runner gitea/act_runner:nightly

How is this repo different? Why should one prefer this over the official one?

I admit that using this repo solves a big problem of mine. The GITEA_RUNNER_JOB_CONTAINER_NETWORK allows workers to communicate with Gitea, whereas if I use the official act_runner I can't achieve that.
However, I am still intrigued to understand the differences between this and the official one.


I created this docker image before the other was available. I guess the main difference is that it is based on Debian instead of Alpine and that you can configure most settings via environment variables.

bserem commented

Thanks for the response! That covers everything I guess.

Again, great stuff. Thank you!