

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Add support for other languages, possibly using svelte-i18n.

I can help with Italian.

I can help with Italian.

🤗 Much appreciated, I will ping you in this thread when I get around to implementing the framework.

Spanish here!

I can help with Slovak and Czech localization

Hey, I can help with French localization

Hi, I can help with German localization

Hi, I can help with German localization

Thank you! There is a partial German localization on Crowdin. Feel free to add to it or correct anything that's already there. When it's completed, I will deploy it live. I'm stupid, see this comment below.

Thank you! There is a partial German localization on Crowdin. Feel free to add to it or correct anything that's already there. When it's completed, I will deploy it live.

Thanks! I was kind of confused at first, as this seems to be for another project of you, but I was still happy to help there. I filled in the missing translations and also corrected some that were previously added but seemed questionable for me.

I couldn't find a localization project for this repository there though, is this hidden or just not existent at the time? Feel free to let me know and I'll help out there too. Linking to the Crowdin page of the Wordle Peaks project in this issue seems kind of misleading to me, as this is not related to the snowflake timestamp converter.

Thanks! I was kind of confused at first, as this seems to be for another project of you, but I was still happy to help there. I filled in the missing translations and also corrected some that were previously added but seemed questionable for me.

Oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed. I completely forgot which project I was looking at. I'm so sorry about that. Thank you SO MUCH for contributing those translations and corrections despite that! You'll be credited in that project's README.

Snow-Stamp has been kind of a dormant project for me for a while, so I do not have a Crowdin page for it yet. I'm really sorry about that. Setting one up would mean I'd have to integrate the i18n package into the site and extract all the strings to a JSON file. Not to mention adding UI to the page for changing language. It's something I want to do eventually of course, but I can't commit time to it right now. If you're interested in making a PR for all that, I'd be grateful and happy to accept it.

By the way, thanks for the stars ⭐ ❤️ ⭐