
route title not reactive

jdmswong opened this issue Β· 24 comments

I have found that the title function is not reactive-sensitive. my test ( have subbed out the post title with "my blog" for now:

This prints undefined then my blog post name, demonstrating reactivity.

blogSection.route('/:date/:postTitle/', {
    name: 'Post',
    title: function(params){
            var blog = Blog.findOne({
                name: "My Blog",
            console.log("route: ",blog &&; // TODO remove



this prints undefined, and does not set the title to the blog name. If this function were reactive it would as per the example above

blogSection.route('/:date/:postTitle/', {
    name: 'Post',
    title: function(params){
            var blog = Blog.findOne({
                name: "My Blog",
            console.log("route: ",blog &&; 

you have to add waitOn for subscription to be ready

@jdmswong yes, it solved this issue?

I didn't want the page to wait on the subscription being ready, so I displayed something else in the title. Out of curiosity are there any plans to make the title function reactive in the future?

Yes, I'll work on your issues soon, hope to put my hands on before end of this week.
Ping me if I won't response for more than week, can forget, sorry... to busy right now

@jdmswong I took a look on demo, and code of this package. Reactive data-source should work.

As in this example, i18n.get() returns ReactiveVar and title is updated.

FlowRouter.route('/me/account', {
  name: 'account',
  title: function() {
    // In this example we used `ostrio:i18n` package
    return i18n.get('account.document.title'); 

So, could you please try:

blogSection.route('/:date/:postTitle/', {
    name: 'Post',
    title: function(params){
            var blog = Blog.find({
                name: "My Blog",
            if (blog[0] && blog[0].name) {
                return blog[0].name;
            } else {
                return "Loading....";

I did, the title stays at "Loading..."

To make sure, type this into browser's console:

Blog.find({name: "My Blog"}).fetch()

It returns the blog as expected, additionally the page itself is populated with the correct data

Okay, I'll take look

Hi @jdmswong ,

Sorry for delay, but if you still having this issue could you please test it on latest release?

@jdmswong any news on your end?

Closed due to silence at issue owner end.
Feel free to reopen it in case if issue still persists on your end.

It's an interesting issue because we're supposed to do component-based subscriptions, but title is one of the thing that could not easily be managed at this level. I don't want to block routing with waitOn too. Do you settled on any other solution since then? Thanks.

@nicooprat using data hook. But anyways you probably will end up using waitOn.
Why you're afraid to use waitOn hook?

we're supposed to do component-based subscriptions

Got it now.
Well, as soon as data will be available on the cursor, no matter where subscription is called, a title will be updated as stated here.

You're right, using .find().fetch()[0] is reactive unlike doing .findOne(). Didn't think it would be that simple. Sorry for issue bumping, this can be closed again ;) Thanks for your reactivity!

@nicooprat I wish you to find a solution to fit your needs. πŸ˜ƒ
Ping me if you will have more questions.

I might have spoke too fast... Looks like it was working because I already subscribed to needed datas.

Further tests aren't successful, I reduced the issue to a simple test:

FlowRouter.route('/test', {
  name: 'test',
  title: function() {
    return Session.get('test')

Setting new values like Session.set('test', 'foo') never fires the function again. Did I miss something obvious?

@jdmswong this might not work with Sessions.
Could you create separate issue with request to support reactive Sessions?

Actually I tried with Session to be sure, because it's the simplest reactive thing I could think of, but doing it with cursors didn't work too. I can create a new issue but I think it's still the same problem... Here's a example of route definition:

FlowRouter.route('/:storyId', {
  name: 'story',
  title({storyId}) {
    // This is only fired once, cursors are empty
    // Subscriptions are done in templates
    // When data is available, this doesn't run again
    const story = Stories.find(storyId).fetch()[0]
    return story && story.title
  action: function(params, queryParams) {

I also tried const story = Stories.find(storyId).fetch() (without [0]), or even const story = Stories.find(storyId), no luck.

I can create a new issue but I think it's still the same problem... Here's a example of route definition:

Yes, that will be great. You can make it more generous - to fix reactive sources.

It doesn't work for ReactiveVar.

import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-extra';
const test = new ReactiveVar(1);
Meteor.setInterval(() => {
  test.set(test.get() + 1);
}, 1000);
FlowRouter.route('*', {
  name: '',
  action() {
  title() {
    const t = test.get();
    console.log(`change title:${t}`);
    return `count ${t}`;

Hello @afrokick πŸ‘‹
Please make sure you’re on the latest meteor and package releases.
It’s better to create new issue thread as this one is closed. Please follow our ISSUE_TEMPLATE when you create a new issue.