
assets "Resource not found"

Closed this issue · 3 comments

kop7 commented
 Vendure server (v0.8.0) now running on port 3000 
[run:server] info 2/8/20, 8:59 PM - [Vendure Server] Shop API: http://localhost:3000/shop-api 
[run:server] info 2/8/20, 8:59 PM - [Vendure Server] Admin API: http://localhost:3000/admin-api 
[run:server] info 2/8/20, 8:59 PM - [Vendure Server] Asset Server: http://localhost:3000/assets/ -> http://localhost:3001 
[run:server] info 2/8/20, 8:59 PM - [Vendure Server] Dev Mailbox: http://localhost:3000/mailbox/ -> http://localhost:3003 
[run:server] info 2/8/20, 8:59 PM - [Vendure Server] Admin UI: http://localhost:3000/admin/ -> http://localhost:3002 

Browser response: "Resource not found"


what are you expecting to see at http://localhost:3000/assets/?

kop7 commented

Storefront? or I missed something..

The /assets path is for images and files that you have uploaded to your shop, e.g. product images.

There is no storefront as part of this project, just the GraphQL APIs and admin UI.