
Tutorial first presented at PyData Seattle 2023

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This tutorial was presented at PyData Seattle 2023.


You can watch the full video on YouTube.

Quickstart on mybinder.org

This is the quickest way to get started. It is also a good way to follow along with the video.

Live interactive versions of the tutorial notebooks in this project, hosted on mybinder.org, are available at the following links:

These may take a minute or two to start up, but they will then be live and ready to go. You don't have to create any local environment or install anything.

Running on your own machine

If you would like to run the notebooks on your own machine, you will need a Python 3.9 virtual environment. In that virtual environment, you can then clone the repository with

git clone https://github.com/vengroff/censusdis-tutorial.git

Once the repo is cloned, enter it and install the requirements with

cd censusdis-tutorial
pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you start jupyter with


If all goes according to plan, this should fire up the server on your local machine and open a browser to let you explore and run the notebooks.