
How to structure data using feed-me + JSON + Hyper?

DavidStrada opened this issue · 5 comments


Using the following throws an error:

"websiteUrl": {
        "handle": "default-verbb-hyper-links-url",
        "linkValue": "",
        "linkText": "some text"

Additional context

I get the following error.

Too few arguments to function craft\feedme\helpers\DataHelper::fetchValue(), 2 passed in /vendor/verbb/hyper/src/integrations/feedme/fields/Hyper.php on line 47 and exactly 3 expected - DataHelper.php: 122

Can you let me know what versions of everything you're using? The below should be all you require. Note the type is (for the moment) a shortened string, and not the full class:

"websiteUrl": {
    "linkValue": "",
    "linkText": "some text"

@engram-design sure, here's current setup

"craftcms/cms": "^4.4.7", 
"craftcms/feed-me": "5.1.1",
 "verbb/hyper": "^1.1",

Tested your example and it fails with the same message

Too few arguments to function craft\feedme\helpers\DataHelper::fetchValue(), 2 passed in /vendor/verbb/hyper/src/integrations/feedme/fields/Hyper.php on line 47 and exactly 3 expected - DataHelper.php: 122

thanks for your help.

@engram-design in here if we pass the obj. it stops failing $preppedData[$subFieldHandle] = DataHelper::fetchValue($this->feedData, $subFieldInfo, $this->feed); it works.

This is because you're on an older version of Feed Me. Refer to this fix. I'd recommend updating Feed Me, but happy to make that change here.

Fixed in 1.1.7