Fatal errors not reported in vercel logs
fascinated opened this issue · 4 comments
I have a few basic "route all requests to php"-style deployments on vercel, and I am noticing that when these deployments encounter a Fatal Error (for ex, some silly type issue like trying to read from a null as if it was an array ;p), the Fatal error message does not appear in the Vercel logs.
Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a workaround?
My only php.ini tweak is "display_errors = Off", which shouldn't affect this.
Using this simple vercel.json, for reference:
"functions": {
"runtime": "vercel-php@0.6.0",
"maxDuration": 60
"rewrites": [
{"source": "/(.*)", "destination": "api/routes.php"}
Hi @fascinated, so far I didn't check Vercel logs for this type of exceptions, I must take a look.
Thanks for the quick response <3.
Here's an example "fatal error" script, this will return 500 as expected, but the error itself will not be in the logs:
$bad_var = null;
if(in_array("test", $bad_var['not_array'])) {
echo "we shouldn't be here ;)";
} else {
echo "TEST OK: value not found";
It's also worth noting that if you change this script to something like [below] such that there's some output before the fatal error, then Vercel will not report a 500 at all (and the logging behavior is the same). I sorta get why this is (200 header + output already sent), but if memory serves right, the common nginx/php-fpm setup would still produce an error in this case. Is this one a buffering issue specifically?
$bad_var = null;
echo "OK";
if(in_array("test", $bad_var['not_array'])) {
echo "we shouldn't be here ;)";
} else {
echo "TEST OK: value not found";
Under the hood, there is simple PHP built-in development server.
If you start your script like that php -S api/index.php
you can see what is on stdout and what on stderr. Maybe it's wrong in built-in server.
Yeah, I was thinking it's some stdout/stderr thing, but it seems all of the output from php -S just goes to stderr, so maybe there's something else.