
Split terminal view in two-page layout

bphd opened this issue · 0 comments

bphd commented

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I often find it challenging to keep track of my tasks and deadlines in the current task management system. It lacks a visual representation of task timelines and dependencies, which makes it difficult to plan and execute complex projects effectively.

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to request the addition of a Gantt chart view as part of the task management system. This Gantt chart view would allow users to create and visualize task timelines, dependencies, and progress. Users should be able to create and link tasks, set start and end dates, and see a clear visual representation of their project's timeline. It should support drag-and-drop functionality for task scheduling.

Describe alternatives you've considered
An alternative solution could be to integrate with external project management tools that offer Gantt chart functionality. However, having this feature directly within our task management system would streamline the user experience and eliminate the need for users to switch between multiple applications.

Additional context
The addition of a Gantt chart view would greatly enhance the project planning and management capabilities of our task management system. It would benefit users who need to plan and track tasks with dependencies, making it easier to meet project deadlines and achieve their goals. This feature could be a significant differentiator for our platform and attract users who require robust project management capabilities.