
pkg 5.8.1 somehow lists pkg-fetch 3.4.2 as required dependency in package-lock.json. How to update it so 3.5 is leveraged?

RCALEAD opened this issue · 4 comments

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Originally posted by RCALEAD September 26, 2023
Working towards updating node.js to version 18.15, but somehow it still shows nodejs 18.5. Looks like issue is that pkg 5.8.1 is still listing pkg-fetch 3.4.2 as dependency in package-lock.json , which will only allow nodejs version 18.5. For nodejs version 18.15, it needs pkg-fetch 3.5 in dependency in package-lock.json - how this can be updated?

I just added this to my package.json:

  "overrides": {
    "pkg": {
      "pkg-fetch": "^3.5.2"

Thanks a bunch @ryanrubleycoates - we were heading in that direction, good to know it's done before.

Unfortunately, we have a bunch of stuff that seems to be moving to requiring 18.17.0+ or 20+ and it looks like pkg might be coming to a dead-end from some other threads here.