
Module-Alias not working with pkg

avinashk2946 opened this issue · 1 comments

What version of pkg are you using?


What version of Node.js are you using?


What operating system are you using?


What CPU architecture are you using?


What Node versions, OSs and CPU architectures are you building for?


Describe the Bug

I am using plain JavaScript for building APIs using Node.js and Express.js. I have the following module alias configuration, which is heavily used across my project in require statements:

const moduleAlias = require("module-alias"),
  path = require("path"),
  root = path.join(__dirname, "../"),
  api = `${root}/src`,
  aliasConfig = {
    "@root": root,
    "@custom-lib": `${root}/custom-lib`,
    "@api": api
global.baseDir = root;

module.exports = () => moduleAlias.addAliases(aliasConfig);

I'm getting the following error after running the pkg . command:

Warning Cannot find module '@root/routes' from 'C:\Workspace\Projects\server.js'

It seems that the module alias configuration is causing an issue when trying to find the @root/routes module. Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

Expected Behavior

The require statements should not throw error.

To Reproduce

Just create a project with module-alias configuration and then run the pkg commands.

Module Alias NPM