
Use process.env.ASSET_PREFIX when sending tracking data

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm using Vercel speed-insights and analytics with NextJS. However, our sites are behind a cloudflare proxy, where clients can point any path they want off their domain to our NextJS app. Ex: -> proxy to our NextJS app

Our NextJS then rewrites the incoming urls to map them to the folder structure of our NextJS app.

When using speed-insights the request for the Javascript file always points to, which returns a 404 because we don't control that path on their domain.

I was able to get around this by using the HTML version, and our process.env.ASSET_PATH like this:

<Script src={join(process.env.ASSET_PREFIX, '_vercel/speed-insights/script.js')} />

so that the script is served up from our Vercel provided domain name.

This works, however, all the tracking events are still pointing to

Is it possible to have both the script tag and the tracking event use the process.env.ASSET_PATH if one is set? Or at least have a way to configure where speed-insights send the tracking events?


You can already overwrite both the script and endpoint
scriptSrc and endpoint

Let me know if that works for you!

@tobiaslins thank you!

I posted in the vercel analytics project too: vercel/analytics#139
but looks like the analytics project doesn't support the same endpoint and scriptSrc params.

I'm closing this ticket, feel free to re-open in case of need!