
DSN not documented

thomkrupa opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey! I want to use Speed Insights with self-hosted project and wondering why the DSN option is not documented? Is it still supported? If yes, how do I get the DSN, is it the Project ID? This doesn't work anymore, there is no VERCEL_ANALYTICS_ID environment variable when I do vercel pull.

I managed to get the Speed Insights ID from network requests in the Vercel Dashboard, but that's not the most user-friendly way to get the ID. It works as a custom DSN and data is collected properly. But it feels a bit hacky.

Hey @thomkrupa !

Sorry for the inconveniences. The DSN should be visible in the dashboard during the setup for self-hosted projects. Does your project have a domain on Vercel? I think we only show it when there is none