
Dynamic require of .json where file extension is not provided

eerichmond opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm trying to use ncc with the npm module "conventional-changelog-core" from the project and found that the ncc_wildcards function does not seem to work if the arg passed in is missing the file extension (eg ".json"). It looks like the method generateWildcardRequire in "src/asset-relocator.js" is not recognizing that the arg coming in is extension-less. The offending file is where it is calling require('../hosts/' + type). In this scenario "type" is either "github", "bitbucket" or "gitlab" but the actual file it is trying to pull in is "../hosts/github.json", "../hosts/bitbucket.json" or "../hosts/gitlab.json". The resulting ncc_wildcard function looks like

function __ncc_wildcard$0 (arg) {
  if (arg === "bitbucket.json") return __webpack_require__(749);
  else if (arg === "github.json") return __webpack_require__(520);
  else if (arg === "gitlab.json") return __webpack_require__(404);

but the actual function is called like this:

hostOpts = __ncc_wildcard$0(type)

where "type" is "github", "bitbucket" or "gitlab".