
[Packaging] Make this wallet available as flatpak package on FlatHub

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi. Can you, kindly, make your wallet available as flatpak package on FlatHub? This way, you will make your wallet available for almost all Linux distros & users. Flatpak is a universal generic Linux package & is secure & sandbox.

Flatpak is much better than AppImage formate, being more secure & more convenient & easier to packaged than AppImage.

  1. home page of FlatHub is:
  2. FlatHub repositories are at:
  3. when some one like to add package to FlatHub, she/he need to open PR at:
  4. FlatHub differ from snap by being allow any one to package not only developers of packages. So packages on FlatHub are of 2 kinds regarding this point: some are packaged by their developers like shotcut video editor, while other are packaged by person other than their developers. So,
  5. developers of Electrum Verge themselves can package their wallets by themselves. This will be ideal.
  6. all packages on FlatHub are signed .....
  7. even if person other than the original developer(s) maintain the package on FlatHub, FlatHub team try as much as possible to make developer(s) authorized to repositories at least to monitor & follow up the packaging ......
  8. FlatHub allow both open & closed source packages. But regarding open source packages, the FlatHub team insisting on packager to make them deterministic (reproducible).

Hi. I would like to bring your attention to the fact that "Electrum Bitcoin wallet" already existing as flatpak in FlatHub - see:

Please see it's pull request that already merged:

The above link will help you too much when you package Electrum Verge as flatpak for FlatHub. It will assist you to abbreviate the way by avoiding you from mistakes that already done during original packaging PR - see:

Best wish.

Hi. The electrum groestlcoin wallet now available on FlatHub as flatpak - see the following PR (which is already merged):

Repository had been created- see:

This is 2nd electrum wallet, after electrum Bitcoin wallet, that became available as flatpak package on FlatHub.

Hope this will help you ...

ok thanks

Hi. Just few minutes ago, Electrum-Dash wallet became available as flatpak on FlatHub - see:

  1. newly created repository of flatpak package of Electrum-Dash wallet on FlatHub:

  2. the PR to add it to FlatHub:

FlatHub waiting you ....

@Nokia808 few days of testing and updates and i will put this on flathub.

Hi dear. It passed 19 days since your last replay & still not submitted to FlatHub .... We wish that it finally pushed to it .....