VeriPress Themes

This is a collection of official themes for VeriPress.

Themes are in the other branches of this repo.

How To Use

To install official themes (from this repo), just use the theme management sub-command:

veripress theme install theme-name

Here theme-name should be the name of the theme you want to install.

Theme Table

Theme Preview Notes
default Preview Default theme designed for blogs.
clean-doc Preview Default theme designed for docs.
fenki Preview Default theme designed for wikis.

Third-party Themes?

VeriPress's theme management sub-command also allows you to install third-party themes on GitHub. For example if you want to install a theme in the GitHub repo someone/the-theme, you can just run the following command:

veripress theme install someone/the-theme

By default the repo's name will be used as the theme name in your local, which is the-theme in this case. If you want a custom name, run the following:

veripress theme install someone/the-theme --name name-you-want

Update Themes

To update an installed theme, run:

veripress theme update the-theme


For more information on theme management, see VeriPress's documemtation and veripress theme --help (All sub-commands' help messages can be accessed through --help flag).