
Share the rest of desktop files

ppenzin opened this issue · 3 comments

Since the scripts are used in this great guide on FreeBSD desktop, I am wondering if it would be possible to share the rest of files from the guide on Github?


what other scripts you need?

Write me their names and I will upload them.


I'm interested in replicating the set up across multiple users. So in addition to scripts, it would be good to be able to get config files from somewhere like github. This might be more involved though: with scripts directory it is easy to just check it out, some config files require editing, like OpenBox menu (for full paths).

I've been using OpenBox on FreeBSD for quite some time now, and I really like the set up you shared. It feels self-contained, it would be nice to be able to get it all together, as files on GH and instructions can go out of sync.

Here are the configs:

Here is main part about Openbox if that helps:

If something is missing then let me know ... or if you need something that is not there.
