Error in Kubernetes when not use helm-chart or operator
Tob1as opened this issue ยท 2 comments
i only want deploy VerneMQ in kubernetes with simple deployment without helm-chart or operator (with serviceaccount and something).
But i get an error on startup:
Permission error: Cannot access URL apis/apps/v1/namespaces/MY-NAMESPACE/statefulsets/null: "Forbidden"
"statefulsets.apps \"null\" is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:MY-NAMESPACE:MY-NAMESPACE\" cannot get resource \"statefulsets\" in API group \"apps\" in the namespace \"MY-NAMESPACE\""
I think the "problem" begin with this line:
if [ -d "${SECRETS_KUBERNETES_DIR}" ] ; then # SECRETS_KUBERNETES_DIR="/var/run/secrets/"
in File:
With a workarround in my deployment it start:
args: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "cp /usr/sbin/start_vernemq /vernemq/start_vernemq ; sed -i 's|/var/run/secrets/|/var/run/secrets/|g' /vernemq/start_vernemq ; /vernemq/start_vernemq"]
But i think, this is not a good solution.
Is there a possibility to solve this better?
@Tob1as thanks, hm, we check whether we are on Kubernetes there.
Would you say what you are trying to do is to be considered a stardard setup and should be possible/supported?
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I think it is only interesting for private and/or small clusters (with limited resources) or for tests with MQTT.
For larger clusters user should already use helm or operator for scaling.
I just wanted to ask. ๐ For me my solution seems to work, I could not find any disadvantage yet.