Cannot proceed with simple install
dwhiteddsoft opened this issue · 4 comments
dwhiteddsoft commented
As directed here, the output ends up being:
namespace/messaging created
deployment.apps/vmq-operator created created created
serviceaccount/vmq-operator created
service/vernemq-k8s created
serviceaccount/vernemq-k8s created
resource mapping not found for name: "" namespace: "" from "only_vernemq/0vernemq-operator-0vernemqCustomResourceDefinition.yaml": no matches for kind "CustomResourceDefinition" in version ""
ensure CRDs are installed first
resource mapping not found for name: "k8s" namespace: "messaging" from "only_vernemq/vernemq-vernemq.yaml": no matches for kind "VerneMQ" in version ""
ensure CRDs are installed first
I am running AKS on Azure v1.22.11
dwhiteddsoft commented
Looks to be a dup of this issue
ioolkos commented
@dwhiteddsoft yes, thanks; I guess we need to do a full migration at some point:
Help, of course, is always welcome.
dwhiteddsoft commented
I am trying to get it to work by hacking around a bit but I may be able to chip in. Let me get through some work items first with it and see where I am at. :-)
dwhiteddsoft commented
I find myself with some time, have forked the repo, and am looking at migration now. Hopefully something to report soon-ish :-)