
Retrieve neighbours

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I am using Matrex in the context of AoC for the second year now, and it is not the first time I am confronted with the need to get the neighbours of a given position in the matrix.

That is, given a valid position {x,y}, calculating the list of [{x-1, y-1}, {x-1, y}, {x-1, y+1}, {x, y-1}, {x, y+1}, {x+1, y-1}, {x+1, y}, {x+1, y+1}] (or a subset of this, including only valid points inside the bounds of the matrix, of course).

Would a PR implementing Matrex.neighbours/3 as

@spec neighbours(Matrix.t(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer())

something that this project would be interested in? If so, I offer to implement such PR.

An alternative would be Matrex.neighbours/4,

@spec neighbours(Matrix.t(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), boolean())

with an optional argument (default true) to consider the diagonals (or not).

MLNW commented

This would be very much appreciated! I'm currently using matrex for the same purpose. Sadly it seems that this excellent library does not get a lot of love in general any more.