EventBus reply exception when accessing service from vertical
idrismike opened this issue · 2 comments
I have been working with Vertx services. the service runs properly but I get the following exceptions (time out):
- from the consumerverticle, I create serviceproxy as follows:
MyService service = MyService(vertx, "vtx.myservice");
when I call a method e.g. service.getData(Handler);
The method failed to succeed after 30000(ms) - I know that the service takes time to load data, but here the client gives the following timeout exception.
io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException: Timed out after waiting 30000(ms) for a reply. address: __vertx.reply.4a231290-a1b4-4aaf-8de2-0c2be3b29a40
Have you tried to measure how much time the service needs to reply? btw you can configure the proxy timeout with https://vertx.io/docs/apidocs/io/vertx/core/eventbus/DeliveryOptions.html#setSendTimeout-long-
The address it shows is the reply address the service should reply at
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